Mrs. Hamman minored in Hebrew at Trevecca Nazarene University, holds a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute, as well as a certificate in Methodology of Talmud from Northwestern University. Before the founding of Ashreinu School in 2022, she taught B'nai Mitzvah preparation classes for 13 years. She resides on the East Coast with her husband and 2-year-old son.
Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Machovec is a member at Shalom Boca Synagogue where she fosters a strong sense of connection and service. While living in Israel for 5 years, she served 2 years of active duty in the IDF Training Operations, and 1 year in reserves. She has worked in Hebrew education for over a decade and has a passion for instilling a love for Jewish heritage in the next generation. She and her husband, Nick, are raising 3 children, ages 10, 8, and 6 in South Florida.
Merrill Lasko is part of the leadership team at Beth Messiah Congregation in Maryland. She has been a teacher for over 30 years: first, at Ets Chayim School and then at Bender JCC Early Childhood Center for the past 13 years.
Amber Michael lives in Jerusalem, Israel and is a co-founder of First Fruits of Zion. She is a mother of four grown children and a grandmother to eight! She is a continuing student of Hebrew and is passionate about building the next generation of Messianic Judaism.
Joshua Turnil is the director of Jews for Jesus in France, overseeing the work in francophone Europe. Joshua was born in New York and has a bachelors degree in French literature. He and his wife, Delphine, have three children: Ilan, Lilya, and Levia. Josh has participated in and produced five music albums, as well as video projects like the story of Holocaust survivor and resistance fighter, Ruth Gottlieb. He actively fights antisemitism alongside French Jewish leaders and church leaders.
Ben Weisman is a student of Messianic Judaism at Messianic Jewish Theological Institute and UX Design at Google. He is a former rabbinical intern through the UMJC and enjoys teaching and volunteering within the Messianic movement. Ben lives near Boston with his wife, Mara, and daughter, Ava.
Seth Wexler is a practicing veterinarian and has been part of the Sha'arei Shalom community in Cary, NC for 18 years. He and his wife, Anna, have four children and have been involved in Messianic Jewish children's education and pedagogy since becoming parents. Seth is part of the music and prayer leader's team and is always trying to find creative ways to engage children with Torah learning and Hebrew education, adapting to different learning styles and backgrounds.
Michayla White is a devoted Messianic Jew who has served for over 15 years in children and family ministries. Recently, she has shifted her focus to provide one-on-one coaching and launch a new project called The Sabbath Table - a community committed to setting tables where disciples of Yeshua grow in unity together. Along with her husband and 3 sons, she attends Adat Hatikvah in Chicago where they serve as Elders.
Gan 2024-25
Dr. Seth Wexler is part of the music and prayer leader's team at Sha'arei Shalom is always trying to find creative ways to engage children with Torah learning and Hebrew education, adapting to different learning styles and backgrounds. He is a practicing veterinarian and has been part of the Sha'arei Shalom community in Cary, NC for 18 years. He and his wife, Anna, have four children and have been involved in Messianic Jewish children's education and pedagogy since becoming parents.
Aleph 2024-25
Ms. Mali Miller was born in Jerusalem, Israel. She came to the United States after serving two years in the Israeli Army. Morah Mali has now lived in Florida for 38 years and has been teaching Hebrew for 27 years. She describes herself as a happy, energetic person who is passionate for her work. Morah Mali teaches conversational Hebrew, B’nai Mitzvah preparation, and also specializes with special needs. She also serves as an Ashreinu Tutor.
Aleph Intern Instructor 2024-25
Mr. Joseph Miterko is a graduate of the Charles L Feinberg Institute of Messianic Jewish Studies. With a passion for the Bible and Hebrew text, he loves guiding others into the joy of learning. He’s currently located in Boston and also teaches piano, enjoys coffee, and loves long walks. Moreh Yosef will partner with Morah Shira in teaching the Aleph MJE class.
Bet 2024-25
Mrs. Stephanie Hamman holds a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute and a certificate in Methodology of Talmud from Northwestern University. Before the founding of Ashreinu School in 2022, she privately taught B'nai Mitzvah prep for 13 years. She is passionate about putting Messianic Judaism back on the Jewish timeline, and so is especially excited to teach our Bet class that focuses on the Second Temple period. She resides on the East Coast with her husband and son.
Gimel 2024-25
Miss Eliana Wexler is a student at UNC Chapel Hill where she is pursuing a double major in English and Global Studies, with plans to earn her M.A. in Education. Morah Elie recently spent a year in Israel, working on kibbutzim and immersing herself in Ulpan. In summers, she volunteers with programs like Camp Or L’Dor and Camp Gilgal. Morah Elie is committed to providing a meaningful and enriching experience for her students in the foundations of their faith and identity.
Dalet 2024-25
Rabbi Aaron Allsbrook is the Senior Rabbi of Ohev Yisrael in Northern Virginia. He received Orthodox smicha from a yeshiva endorsed by the Chief Rabbinate's office of Israel. He lived for 4 years in Israel, where he earned an MFA in Opera from the Academy of Music and Dance at Hebrew University. He is passionate about worshipping our God and exalting the name of Yeshua as an authentic Jew in the power of his Spirit. He and his wife, Brooke, have four children.
FastTrack! 2024-25
Mrs. Tara Strong has been an educator for 10+ years and enjoys modeling and motivating faithful connectivity, spiritual depth with HaShem, and Jewish space in the home with ritual, prayer, and song. Morah Tova currently leads an intergenerational small-group Torah study. She is a student of Linguistics, Philosophy, and Theology, loves Western sunsets on her Texas homestead, strength training with her family in the local gym, and in-line speedskating.
Darash Fall '23
Rav Carl has a DLitt. et Phil (Judaica, University of South Africa); and an M.A. (Jewish Studies, Spertus Institute). Carl Kinbar has been teaching on the MJTI faculty since 2005. Since then, he has taught primarily in the areas of Bible and Rabbinic Writings. He is honored to teach our Darash students to read the Bible more deeply and to engage Jewish tradition as a primary source of Messianic Jewish life and thought.
Darash Spring '24
Levi Hazen is an adjunct professor at Moody Bible Institute and the host of TŌV Podcast, a teaching ministry that brings a biblical view of Israel and eschatology. Mr. Hazen and his wife spent one year living in Israel studying subjects like archaeology, modern Hebrew, and biblical geography.
Darash Fall '24
Mrs. Hamman minored in Hebrew at Trevecca Nazarene University, holds a B.A. in Jewish Studies from Moody Bible Institute, as well as a certificate in Methodology of Talmud from Northwestern University. Before the founding of Ashreinu School in 2022, she taught B'nai Mitzvah preparation classes for 13 years. Mrs. Hamman is nour Messianic Jewish Education curriculum and co-taught our first Darash course in Fall of 2023. She resides on the East Coast with her husband and son.
Darash Midmester
Cantor Benjamin is an experienced cantor with over 15 years of expertise. She holds a Master's of Music Performance in Voice/Opera from the New England Conservatory of Music and Cantorial Ordination from Hebrew Union College. As a passionate educator and performer, Cantor Benjamin has led congregations in worship, conducted choirs, and taught students of all ages the beauty of Jewish liturgy and music. She is deeply committed to fostering spiritual growth through song and prayer,